


Bug #221 ยป 0001-Fix-for-bug221-avoid-considering-sig-as-decoder-even.patch

avoid flagging the sig as "decoder event only", so now it gets grouped correctly and properly triggered - Pablo Rincon, 07/28/2010 07:53 AM

View differences:

if (s->amatch != NULL)
return 0;
if ( !(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_DP_ANY) ||
!(s->flags & SIG_FLAG_SP_ANY))
return 0;
SigMatch *sm = s->match;
if (sm == NULL)
goto deonly;
uint32_t cnt = 0, cnt_iponly = 0;
uint32_t cnt_payload = 0;
uint32_t cnt_applayer = 0;
uint32_t cnt_deonly = 0;
} else if (SignatureIsDEOnly(de_ctx, tmp_s) == 1) {
tmp_s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_DEONLY;
SCLogDebug("Signature %"PRIu32" is considered \"Decoder Event only\"", tmp_s->id);
if (tmp_s->flags & SIG_FLAG_APPLAYER) {
if (!(de_ctx->flags & DE_QUIET)) {
SCLogInfo("%" PRIu32 " signatures processed. %" PRIu32 " are IP-only rules, %" PRIu32 " are inspecting packet payload, %"PRIu32" inspect application layer",
de_ctx->sig_cnt, cnt_iponly, cnt_payload, cnt_applayer);
SCLogInfo("%" PRIu32 " signatures processed. %" PRIu32 " are IP-only rules, %" PRIu32 " are inspecting packet payload, %"PRIu32" inspect application layer, %"PRIu32" are decoding event only",
de_ctx->sig_cnt, cnt_iponly, cnt_payload, cnt_applayer, cnt_deonly);
SCLogInfo("building signature grouping structure, stage 1: "
"adding signatures to signature source addresses... done");