


This documentation is no longer maintained and exists for historical purposes. The current documentation is located at

Modbus keyword

The modbus keyword can be used for matching on various properties of Modbus requests.

There are two ways of using this keyword:
  • matching on functions properties with the setting "function";
  • matching on directly on data access with the setting "access".
With the setting function, you can match on:
  • an action based on a function code field and a sub-function code when applicable;
  • one of three categories of Modbus functions;
  • public functions that are publicly defined (setting "public")
  • user-defined functions (setting "user")
  • reserved functions that are dedicated to proprietary extensions of Modbus (keyword "reserved")
  • one of the two sub-groups of public functions:
  • assigned functions whose definition is already given in the Modbus specification (keyword "assigned");
  • unassigned functions, which are reserved for future use (keyword "unassigned").


modbus: function <value>  
modbus: function <value>, subfunction <value>
modbus: function [!] <assigned | unassigned | public | user | reserved | all>   

Sign '!' is negation


modbus: function 21                # Write File record function
modbus: function 4, subfunction 4  # Force Listen Only Mode (Diagnostics) function
modbus: function assigned          # defined by Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1.1b3
modbus: function public            # validated by the community
modbus: function user              # internal use and not supported by the specification
modbus: function reserved          # used by some companies for legacy products and not available for public use
modbus: function !reserved         # every function but reserved function

With the access setting, you can match on:
  • a type of data access (read or write);
  • one of primary tables access (Discretes Input, Coils, Input Registers and Holding Registers);
  • a range of addresses access;
  • a written value.


modbus: access <read | write>
modbus: access <read | write> <discretes | coils | input | holding>
modbus: access <read | write> <discretes | coils | input | holding>, address <value>
modbus: access <read | write> <discretes | coils | input | holding>, address <value>, value <value>

With <value> setting matches on the address or value as it is being accessed or written as follows:

address 100      # exactly address 100
address 100<>200 # greater than address 100 and smaller than address 200
address >100     # greater than address 100
address <100     # smaller than address 100


modbus: access read                                    # Read access
modbus: access write                                   # Write access
modbus: access read input                              # Read access to Discretes Input table
modbus: access write coils                             # Write access to Coils table
modbus: access read discretes, address <100            # Read access at address smaller than 100 of Discretes Input table
modbus: access write holding, address 500, value >200  # Write value greather than 200 at address 500 of Holding Registers table


Note: Address of read and write are starting at 1. So if your system is using a start at 0, you need to add 1 the address values.

Note: According to MODBUS Messaging on TCP/IP Implementation Guide V1.0b, it is recommended to keep the TCP connection
opened with a remote device and not to open and close it for each MODBUS/TCP transaction. In that case, it is important
to set the depth of the stream reassembling as unlimited (stream.reassembly.depth: 0)


Paper and presentation (in french) on Modbus support are available :
