# 6.0.20 * Bug #5578: rules: stateful drop on dsize sig with app proto set * Bug #6003: stream/reassembly: memcap exception policy incorrectly applied (6.0.x backport) * Bug #6148: streaming-buffer: exceeds limit when downloading large file with file-store enabled and inspecting file_data content (6.0.x backport) * Bug #6689: Ethernet src should match src ip (6.0.x backport) * Documentation #6909: userguide: document how to verify tar.gz signature (6.0.x backport) * Bug #7007: rust: fails to build for msrv * Bug #7014: rust: build with rust 1.78 with slice::from_raw_parts now requiring the pointer to be non-null (6.0.x backport)