


Bug #23 »

updated version of the perl script - Will Metcalf, 12/27/2009 09:28 AM

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Capture::Tiny 'capture';
use Devel::GDB;
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;
my %config;
GetOptions( \%config, qw(f=s n=s r=s c=s e=s h help) );


#Parse the options
sub parseopts {

#display help if asked
if ( $config{h} || $config{help} ) {

#filemaks do we have a path to pcaps?
if ( $config{f} ) {
@files = <$config{f}>;
else {
print("filemask not specified or doesn't exist\n");

#number of times to loop
if ( $config{n} ) {
$loopnum = $config{n};
print( "looping " . $loopnum . " times or until we have an error\n" );
else {
print("looping forever or until we have an error\n");
$loopnum = "infinity";

#rules file do we have a path and does it exist
if ( $config{r} && -e $config{r} ) {
$rules = $config{r};
print "rules file $rules\n";
else {
print("rules file not specified or doesn't exist\n");

#config file do we have a path and does it exist
if ( $config{c} && -e $config{c} ) {
$configfile = $config{c};
print "rules file $rules\n";
else {
print("config file not specified or doesn't exist\n");

#error ratio to introduce TODO validate between 0.00 and 1.0
if ( $config{e} ) {
$editeratio = $config{e};
print "using error ratio" . $editeratio . "\n";
else {
print("not fuzzing pcap(s)\n");


sub printhelp {
"-f=<filemask for pcaps>\n-n=<number of iterations or if not specified will run until error>\n-r=<path to ids rules file>\n-e=<editcap error ratio to introduce if not specified will not fuzz>\n"
$successcnt = 0;
while ($successcnt <= $loopnum ) {

#@files = </home/coz/downloads/pcaps/*/*.pcap>;
foreach $file (@files) {
print $file . "\n";
$file =~ s/\(/\\(/g;
$file =~ s/\)/\\)/g;
( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) =
$timestamp = sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d", $year + 1900,
$mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;

if ( defined $editeratio ) {
$fuzzedfile = $file . "-fuzz-" . $timestamp;
$editcapcmd = "editcap -E 0.02 " . $file . " " . $fuzzedfile;
print( "running " . $editcapcmd . "\n" );
else {
$fuzzedfile = $file;

#$fuzzedfile = $file;
$fullcmd =
"ulimit -c unlimited; src/suricata -c "
. $configfile . " -r "
. $fuzzedfile
. " -l ./ -s "
. $rules;
print "running $fullcmd \n";
( $out, $err ) = capture {
system $fullcmd;
$exit = $? >> 8;

#print "out:$out\n";
#print "err:$err\n";
print "exit value $exit\n";
if ( $exit ne 0 ) {

$report = $fuzzedfile . "ERR.txt";
open( REPORT, ">$report" )
|| ( print "Could not open report file! $report\n" );

#print REPORT "$0\n";
print REPORT "COMMAND:$fullcmd\n";
print REPORT "STDERR:$err\n";
print REPORT "EXITVAL:$exit\n";
print REPORT "STDOUT:$out\n";

if ($core_dump) {
print REPORT $core_dump;
print "core dump \n $core_dump";
system( "mv /home/coz/downloads/oisfnew/core "
. $fuzzedfile
. ".core" );
else {
print( "we have run with success " . $successcnt . " times\n" );
if ( defined $editeratio ) {
$rmcmd = "rm -f " . $fuzzedfile;
print( "running " . $rmcmd . "\n" );

sub core_dump {
my $self = shift;
$core_dump = "";

if ( eval { require Devel::GDB } ) {
find( \&dump_core_file, "/home/coz/downloads/oisfnew/" );

$core_dump || ' [CORE TRACE COMES HERE]';

sub dump_core_file {
return unless /^core(\.\d+)?$/;

my $core = $_;
print "core dump found $core processesing \n";
my $gdb = new Devel::GDB();
$core_dump .= join '',
$gdb->get("file /home/coz/downloads/oisfnew/src/suricata"),
$gdb->get('sharedlibrary'), $gdb->get("core $core"),

#$gdb->get('info threads'),
#$gdb->get('thread apply all bt full');
$gdb->get('bt full');
print "core dump \n $core_dump";
