Bug #1064
closedLack of Thread Deinitialization For Decoder Modules
I checked Suricata code and I found out that decoder thread modules don't set ThreadDeinit member of their TmModule in tmm_modules table.
It somehow doesn't seem normal. Since, decode threads have at least one member in their DecodeThreadVars which maybe should be deinitialized. Actually, I realized DecodeThreadVars contains AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx member and the AlpProtoDetectThreadCtx variables maybe should be deinitialized by using AlpProtoFinalize2Thread function; similar what happens in StreamTcpThreadDeinit (StreamTcp thread deinitializing) procedure.
So, I don't know the implementation of decoders' deinitialization has been missed mistakenly? or not implementing of that doesn't make any problem?
Updated by Victor Julien about 11 years ago
Please, when adding a ticket based on an mailinglist conversation, add a link to that.
Updated by Victor Julien almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Victor Julien
- Target version changed from TBD to 2.0.1rc1
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This was fixed as part of https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/978