

Victor Julien


open closed Total
Assigned issues 95 1370 1465
Reported issues 347 1423 1770


Project Roles Registered on
Suricata Developer, OISF Team, OISF Manager 11/09/2009
Suricata-Update Developer, OISF Team, OISF Manager 10/31/2017



04:22 PM Suricata Bug #7466 (Resolved): Lua Flowvar memory leak
Victor Julien
03:58 PM Suricata Feature #7508 (New): rules: ftp.reply keyword
Match on the tracked replies (eve's ftp.reply). Since there can be more than 1, it's probably a multi-buffer. Victor Julien
03:58 PM Suricata Feature #7507 (New): rules: ftp.completion_code keyword
Match on the tracked completion code (eve's ftp.completion_code) Victor Julien
03:57 PM Suricata Feature #7506 (New): rules: ftp.reply_received keyword
Match on the tracked reply received (eve's ftp.reply_received) Victor Julien
03:56 PM Suricata Feature #7505 (New): rules: ftp.mode keyword
Match on the parsed mode (eve's ftp.mode) Victor Julien
03:54 PM Suricata Feature #7504 (New): rules: ftp.dynamic_port keyword
Match on the parsed dynamic port (eve's ftp.dynamic_port) Victor Julien
03:53 PM Suricata Feature #7503 (New): rules: ftp.command_data keyword
Match on the command (eve's ftp.command_data) Victor Julien
03:53 PM Suricata Feature #7502 (Assigned): rules: ftp.command keyword
Match on the command (eve's ftp.command) Victor Julien


11:34 AM Suricata Feature #7485 (In Progress): rules: allow specifying explicit hooks
Got a working minimal prototype going. Victor Julien


08:58 PM Suricata-Update Bug #7425: matching: allow matching on a rule revision
Would be nice to have this. Just hit another case where I'd like to disable a bad rule rev, but not the whole rule. Victor Julien

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