Bug #1572
closed2.0.8 FlowGetKey flow-hash.c:240 segmentation fault (icmp destination unreachable)
We're guessing this is the same issue as #1319, but with 2.0.8, and we have more information on it.
We're seeing random crashes with suricate 2.0.8, approximately once or twice a day, in FlowGetKey for an icmp v4 destination unreachable packet.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 FlowGetKey (p=0xb8810750) at flow-hash.c:240
Representative backtrace is:
(gdb) bt full #0 FlowGetKey (p=0xb8810750) at flow-hash.c:240 psrc = <value optimized out> pdst = <value optimized out> fhk = {{{src = 17297, dst = 768219096, sp = 36136, dp = 677, proto = 65010, recur = 23560, vlan_id = {6, 0}}, u32 = {17297, 768219096, 44404008, 1544093170, 6}}} hash = <value optimized out> key = <value optimized out> #1 FlowGetFlowFromHash (p=0xb8810750) at flow-hash.c:496 f = 0x0 key = <value optimized out> fb = <value optimized out> #2 0xb76171a6 in FlowHandlePacket (tv=0xb2f14580, p=0xb8810750) at flow.c:242 f = <value optimized out> #3 0xb756d05a in DecodeICMPV4 (tv=0xb2f14580, dtv=0xad902340, p=0xb8810750, pkt=0xb8810c32 "\003\004,4", len=60, pq=0xb0972328) at decode-icmpv4.c:195 icmp4eh = 0xb8810c32 #4 0xb756de57 in DecodeIPV4 (tv=0xb2f14580, dtv=0xad902340, p=0xb8810750, pkt=0xb8810c1e "E\033", len=80, pq=0xb0972328) at decode-ipv4.c:565 No locals. #5 0xb756c5f6 in DecodeEthernet (tv=0xb2f14580, dtv=0xad902340, p=0xb8810750, pkt=0xb8810c10 "", len=94, pq=0xb0972328) at decode-ethernet.c:60 No locals. #6 0xb766e348 in DecodePcap (tv=0xb2f14580, p=0xb8810750, data=0xad902340, pq=0xb0972328, postpq=0x0) at source-pcap.c:736 dtv = 0xad902340 __FUNCTION__ = "DecodePcap" #7 0xb7697547 in TmThreadsSlotVarRun (tv=0xb2f14580, p=0xb8810750, slot=0xb0972308) at tm-threads.c:559 SlotFunc = <value optimized out> r = <value optimized out> s = 0xb0972308 extra_p = <value optimized out> #8 0xb7670f82 in TmThreadsSlotProcessPkt (user=0xad900468 "\300\004\220\255\001", h=0xad07d13c, pkt=0xad6a7046 <Address 0xad6a7046 out of bounds>) at tm-threads.h:142 r = TM_ECODE_OK #9 PcapCallbackLoop (user=0xad900468 "\300\004\220\255\001", h=0xad07d13c, pkt=0xad6a7046 <Address 0xad6a7046 out of bounds>) at source-pcap.c:273 ptv = 0xad900468 p = 0xb8810750 current_time = {tv_sec = 1, tv_usec = -1391996728} #10 0xb73dafb3 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpcap.so.1 No symbol table info available. #11 0xb73e2a24 in pcap_dispatch () from /usr/lib/libpcap.so.1 No symbol table info available. #12 0xb76703c0 in ReceivePcapLoop (tv=0xb2f14580, data=0xad900468, slot=0xb047a9c0) at source-pcap.c:318 packet_q_len = <value optimized out> ptv = 0xad900468 r = <value optimized out> s = 0xb047a9c0 __FUNCTION__ = "ReceivePcapLoop" #13 0xb7697088 in TmThreadsSlotPktAcqLoop (td=0xb2f14580) at tm-threads.c:703 tv = 0xb2f14580 (gdb) p *p $4 = {src = {family = 2 '\002', address = {address_un_data32 = {252738395, 0, 0, 0}, address_un_data16 = {31579, 3856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, address_un_data8 = "[{\020\017", '\000' <repeats 11 times>}}, dst = {family = 2 '\002', address = {address_un_data32 = {617224152, 0, 0, 0}, address_un_data16 = {6104, 9418, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, address_un_data8 = "\330\027\312$", '\000' <repeats 11 times>}}, { sp = 3, type = 3 '\003'}, {dp = 4, code = 4 '\004'}, proto = 1 '\001', recursion_level = 0 '\000', vlan_id = {0, 0}, vlan_idx = 0 '\000', flowflags = 0 '\000', flags = 1048576, flow = 0x0, ts = { tv_sec = 1444144167, tv_usec = 72390}, {nfq_v = {id = 0, nfq_index = 0, verdicted = 0 '\000', mark = 0, ifi = 0, ifo = 0, hw_protocol = 0}, afp_v = {relptr = 0x0, copy_mode = 0, peer = 0x0, mpeer = 0x0}, pcap_v = {<No data fields>}}, ReleasePacket = 0xb76916d0 <PacketPoolReturnPacket>, pktvar = 0x0, ethh = 0xb8810c10, level3_comp_csum = -1, level4_comp_csum = -1, ip4h = 0xb8810c1e, ip6h = 0x0, {ip4vars = {comp_csum = 0, ip_src_u32 = 0, ip_dst_u32 = 0, ip_opts = {{type = 0 '\000', len = 0 '\000', data = 0x0} <repeats 40 times>}, ip_opt_cnt = 0 '\000', o_rr = 0x0, o_qs = 0x0, o_ts = 0x0, o_sec = 0x0, o_lsrr = 0x0, o_cipso = 0x0, o_sid = 0x0, o_ssrr = 0x0, o_rtralt = 0x0}, {ip6vars = {ip_opts_len = 0 '\000', l4proto = 0 '\000'}, ip6eh = {ip6fh = 0x0, fh_offset = 0, ip6rh = 0x0, ip6ah = 0x0, ip6eh = 0x0, ip6dh1 = 0x0, ip6dh2 = 0x0, ip6hh = 0x0, ip6hh_opt_hao = {ip6hao_type = 0 '\000', ip6hao_len = 0 '\000', ip6hao_hoa = {__in6_u = { __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}}, ip6hh_opt_ra = {ip6ra_type = 0 '\000', ip6ra_len = 0 '\000', ip6ra_value = 0}, ip6hh_opt_jumbo = {ip6j_type = 0 '\000', ip6j_len = 0 '\000', ip6j_payload_len = 0}, ip6dh1_opt_hao = {ip6hao_type = 0 '\000', ip6hao_len = 0 '\000', ip6hao_hoa = { __in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}}, ip6dh1_opt_ra = {ip6ra_type = 0 '\000', ip6ra_len = 0 '\000', ip6ra_value = 0}, ip6dh1_opt_jumbo = {ip6j_type = 0 '\000', ip6j_len = 0 '\000', ip6j_payload_len = 0}, ip6dh2_opt_hao = {ip6hao_type = 0 '\000', ip6hao_len = 0 '\000', ip6hao_hoa = { __in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}}, ip6dh2_opt_ra = {ip6ra_type = 0 '\000', ip6ra_len = 0 '\000', ip6ra_value = 0}, ip6dh2_opt_jumbo = {ip6j_type = 0 '\000', ip6j_len = 0 '\000', ip6j_payload_len = 0}, ip6_exthdrs = {{type = 0 '\000', next = 0 '\000', len = 0 '\000', data = 0x0} <repeats 40 times>}, ip6_exthdrs_cnt = 0 '\000'}}}, {tcpvars = {tcp_opt_cnt = 0 '\000', tcp_opts = {{type = 8 '\b', len = 10 '\n', data = 0xb8810c4a "sy&\n\\[\234\263\021%$\237/\212\200"}, {type = 3 '\003', len = 3 '\003', data = 0xb8810c4d "\n\\[\234\263\021%$\237/\212\200"}, {type = 4 '\004', len = 2 '\002', data = 0x0}, {type = 3 '\003', len = 3 '\003', data = 0xb8810c59 ""}, {type = 76 'L', len = 4 '\004', data = 0xb8810c5e "\305\177 J\214@\302C$"}, {type = 0 '\000', len = 0 '\000', data = 0x0} <repeats 15 times>}, ts = 0x0, sack = 0x0, sackok = 0x0, ws = 0x0, mss = 0x0}, udpvars = {<No data fields>}, icmpv4vars = {id = 0, seq = 0, mtu = 2568, error_ptr = 3095465034, emb_ipv4h = 0x303, emb_tcph = 0xb8810c4d, emb_udph = 0x204, emb_icmpv4h = 0x0, emb_ip4_src = {s_addr = 771}, emb_ip4_dst = {s_addr = 3095465049}, emb_ip4_hlen = 76 'L', emb_ip4_proto = 4 '\004', emb_sport = 0, emb_dport = 3166}, icmpv6vars = {id = 0, seq = 0, mtu = 2568, error_ptr = 3095465034, emb_ipv6h = 0x303, emb_tcph = 0xb8810c4d, emb_udph = 0x204, emb_icmpv6h = 0x0, emb_ip6_src = { 771, 3095465049, 1100, 3095465054}, emb_ip6_dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}, emb_ip6_proto_next = 0 '\000', emb_sport = 0, emb_dport = 0}}, tcph = 0x0, udph = 0x0, sctph = 0x0, icmpv4h = 0xb8810c32, icmpv6h = 0x0, ppph = 0x0, pppoesh = 0x0, pppoedh = 0x0, greh = 0x0, vlanh = {0x0, 0x0}, payload = 0xb8810c3a "\245\373\260S\033\327\\\241\260\237LW\330\027\312$sy&\n\\[\234\263\021%$\237/\212\200", payload_len = 52, action = 0 '\000', pkt_src = 1 '\001', pktlen = 94, ext_pkt = 0x0, livedev = 0xb7de6d58, alerts = {cnt = 0, alerts = {{num = 0, order_id = 0, action = 0 '\000', flags = 0 '\000', s = 0x0, tx_id = 0} <repeats 15 times>}}, host_src = 0x0, host_dst = 0x0, pcap_cnt = 0, events = {cnt = 1 '\001', events = "\022g", '\000' <repeats 12 times>}, app_layer_events = 0x0, next = 0x0, prev = 0x0, datalink = 1, debuglog_flowbits_names_len = 0, debuglog_flowbits_names = 0x0, root = 0x0, tunnel_mutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}}, __size = '\000' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}, tunnel_rtv_cnt = 0, tunnel_tpr_cnt = 0}
Seems that DecodeICMPV4 is calling DecodePartialIPV4, which sets p->icmpv4vars.emb_ipv4h to the headers correctly. But at some time afterwards (and before FlowGetKey) the pointer of emb_ipv4h gets corrupted (as does the values after it in the structure).
Updated by Victor Julien over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Victor Julien
- Target version set to 2.0.10
If I look at:
icmpv4vars = {id = 0, seq = 0, mtu = 2568, error_ptr = 3095465034, emb_ipv4h = 0x303, emb_tcph = 0xb8810c4d, emb_udph = 0x204, emb_icmpv4h = 0x0, emb_ip4_src = {s_addr = 771}, emb_ip4_dst = {s_addr = 3095465049}, emb_ip4_hlen = 76 'L', emb_ip4_proto = 4 '\004', emb_sport = 0, emb_dport = 3166}
Nothing makes any sense. error_ptr is never set in our code, so should 0x0, emb_udph = 0x204 looks very suspicious as well. So this does look like a corruption issue of come kind.
Are you able to record you traffic and see if you can reproduce it with the recording?
Could you recompile Suricata with ASAN enabled (add "-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer" to your CFLAGS, use gcc 4.8 or clang)?
Updated by Victor Julien over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.0.10 to TBD
Updated by Nick Jones about 9 years ago
Some more information that was not posted before:
1) Crash always seems to happen when decoding an icmpv4 destination unreachable packet (but not necessarily on all such packets)
2) Crash only happens on x86, 32bit arch's
Updated by Victor Julien about 9 years ago
- Target version changed from TBD to 2.0.11
Thanks, that helped. I've been able to reproduce this issue on a 32bit box.
Updated by Victor Julien about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100