



Bug #3395


TCP evasion technique by faking a closed TCP session (4.1.x)

Added by Victor Julien over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:


It is possible to bypass/evade any tcp based signature by faking a closed TCP session using an evil server.
After the TCP SYN packet, it's possible to inject a RST ACK and a FIN ACK packet with an old TCP Timestamp option.
The client will ignore the RST ACK and the FIN ACK packets because of the old TCP Timestamp option.
Both linux and windows client are ignoring the injected packets.

Client    ->  [SYN] [Seq=0 Ack=0]                                     ->  Evil Server     # Legit TCP handshake
Client    <-  [RST, ACK] [Seq=0 Ack=1] [old TCP Timestamp option]     <-  Evil Server     # Injected packet
Client    <-  [FIN, ACK] [Seq=0 Ack=1] [old TCP Timestamp option]     <-  Evil Server     # Injected packet
Client    <-  [SYN, ACK] [Seq=0 Ack=1]                                <-  Evil Server     # Legit TCP handshake
Client    <-  [ACK] [Seq=1 Ack=1]                                     <-  Evil Server     # Legit TCP handshake
Client    ===============  Data evasion        =================          Evil Server

This evasion technique is referenced as CVE-2019-18625.

You can find attached :
- test.rule : A tcp rule that detects the string THIS_IS_A_TEST
- without_evasion.pcap : A web server which sends the string THIS_IS_A_TEST to a client without any evasion technique
- with_evasion_windows.pcap : A web server which sends the string THIS_IS_A_TEST to a windows 10 client with this evasion technique
- with_evasion_linux.pcap : A web server which sends the string THIS_IS_A_TEST to a linux client (kernel 5.2.0) with this evasion technique


test.rule (147 Bytes) test.rule Nicolas Adba, 10/29/2019 07:47 PM
with_evasion_windows.pcap (1.12 KB) with_evasion_windows.pcap Nicolas Adba, 10/29/2019 07:48 PM
with_evasion_linux.pcap (1.24 KB) with_evasion_linux.pcap Nicolas Adba, 10/29/2019 07:48 PM
without_evasion.pcap (1.01 KB) without_evasion.pcap Nicolas Adba, 10/29/2019 07:48 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Copied from Suricata - Bug #3286: TCP evasion technique by faking a closed TCP sessionClosedVictor JulienActions
Actions #1

Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago

  • Copied from Bug #3286: TCP evasion technique by faking a closed TCP session added
Actions #2

Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Priority changed from High to Normal
  • Private changed from Yes to No

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