Feature #5152
openAnomaly: CredSSP support addition to Suricata anomaly parsing
CredSSP can be used for http authentication , it may not be the best option in terms of security but it is available.
Currently suricata generates an anomaly event (REQUEST_AUTH_UNRECOGNIZED) on inspecting http auth with CredSSP that could result in millions such events in a organisational setup with lots of powershell usage for example.
{ "timestamp": "2021-11-15T17:29:46.150405+0100", "flow_id": 1858400320896909, "pcap_cnt": 131, "event_type": "anomaly", "src_ip": "ip.ip.ip.ip", "src_port": 5985, "dest_ip": "ip.ip.ip.ip", "dest_port": 64848, "proto": "TCP", "tx_id": 0, "anomaly": { "app_proto": "http", "type": "applayer", "event": "REQUEST_AUTH_UNRECOGNIZED", "layer": "proto_parser" } }, { "timestamp": "2021-11-15T17:29:46.152065+0100", "flow_id": 1858400320896909, "pcap_cnt": 132, "event_type": "http", "src_ip": "ip.ip.ip.ip", "src_port": 64848, "dest_ip": "ip.ip.ip.ip", "dest_port": 5985, "proto": "TCP", "tx_id": 0, "http": { "hostname": "hostrandom", "http_port": 5985, "url": "/wsman?PSVersion=5.1.15743.2084", "http_user_agent": "Microsoft WinRM Client", "http_method": "POST", "protocol": "HTTP/1.1", "status": 401, "length": 0, "request_headers": [ { "name": "Connection", "value": "Keep-Alive" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8" }, { "name": "Authorization", "value": "CredSSP gfbSGHZDGBSRgfnFHYejmnjhqwRtwqQQQqqqrGFbgsdHSDFHNxfjdFhjndtujKFYUkfgyK/uOLgaGHUGlIY/lUFFlI+aeKP/iwTYjk=" }, { "name": "User-Agent", "value": "Microsoft WinRM Client" }, { "name": "Content-Length", "value": "0" }, { "name": "Host", "value": "hostrandom:5985" } ], "response_headers": [ { "name": "WWW-Authenticate", "value": "CredSSP bnsfbGLPfdshbnAQFEFWFQQWErfeqreREWqrgfreQbvnmjkfuHzdDYHts/gfsdfhtrDSDGtsrghjkivASDgfAeeGRagrEgASeyhtrHgsagbSAHTh/aSGBCXVZXBZVVSRTsdgGtsrgDFSZg=" }, { "name": "Server", "value": "Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0" }, { "name": "Date", "value": "Mon, 15 Nov 2021 16:29:46 GMT" }, { "name": "Content-Length", "value": "0" } ] } }
Updated by Peter Manev almost 3 years ago
I have a private TLPRED pcap data I can test with if needed.