Bug #3389
Updated by Victor Julien about 5 years ago
I've been testing Suricata 5.0 for inclusion in the next release of RockNSM, and one of our devs ran across a possible regression in how EXTERNAL_NET is handled. Our issue is being tracked here: https://github.com/rocknsm/rock/issues/522. The first should alert on any IP traffic that flows from HOME to EXTERNAL and does in Suricata 4.x. With 5.x, that rule does not alert, but the protocol specific rules will alert (in this case HTTP). So for the two test rules below, I want to alert on all IP traffic from @HOME_NET to EXTERNAL_NET@ with the default definitions (below). For a test file, I used the File Analysis Framework exercise PCAP from the Zeek project (https://www.bro.org/static/exchange-2013/faf-exercise.pcap). There are several sessions in here that should match for the IP rule and/or the HTTP rule. Vars definitions: <pre><code class="yaml"> vars: # more specific is better for alert accuracy and performance address-groups: HOME_NET: "[,,]" EXTERNAL_NET: "!$HOME_NET" </code></pre> Test rules: <pre> alert ip $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Test suricata rule from home to any external IP"; sid:100; rev:1;) alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"Test suricata rule from home to any external IP for HTTP"; sid:101; rev:1;) </pre> In 5.x, only the @http@ alert will trigger on this PCAP. Commenting out that signature will fail to generate any alert. A work around is to change the definition of @EXTERNAL_NET@ to the following: <pre><code class="yaml"> vars: address-groups: EXTERNAL_NET: "[any, !$HOME_NET]" </code></pre> </yaml></code> Additionally, changing the rule to negate @HOME_NET@ directly works. <pre> alert ip $HOME_NET any -> !$HOME_NET any (msg:"Test suricata rule from home to any external IP"; sid:100; rev:1;) </pre> Finally, I ran @suricata@ with the following options (sudo was to read the system config file). <pre> sudo suricata -r ../faf-exercise.pcap -l ./ -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -S ../test.rule --runmode single </pre>