


Bug #6976

Updated by Juliana Fajardini Reichow 8 months ago

Not sure if a bug or if expected, but as seen in SV test @ips-state-1@ (updated here:, 
 when we have a @TLS@ flow with a drop rule, Suricata will drop all packets as expected but doesn't set @flow.action@ to drop. 

 Looking at the stats, I notice that Suricata sees 2 @HTTP@ transactions, but no @TLS@ one. Could somehow be that the @flow.action@ is only set when there is an 
 associated transaction? 
 Current test: 
 Test scenario: 

 pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (sid:1;) 
 drop ip any any -> any any (msg:"DROP ALL"; flow:stateless; sid:2;) 

 pcap contains 3 flows, 2 HTTP, and one TLS. 
 Flows are passed and dropped as expected, but the TLS one that is dropped doesn't show @flow.action: drop@ in the EVE log. 
 The passed HTTP flows do show @flow.action: pass@. 


 After more discussion, we reached the conclusion that for a rule like this, we would require that each packet have a flow, and thus it makes sense for 
 @flow.action@ to be updated. 
 A second, sort of related task is to update the documentation for @flow:stateless@ and make it less paradoxical-looking. (
