



Suricata Installation

For basic Suricata installation instructions, please refer to the installation chapter in the Suricata User Guide.

The following installation guides may be of use if the basic installation instructions don't work for you, or you have a special use case.

On this page you can find installation-guides for several operating systems. Please, feel free to add information.

Supported Platforms

Ubuntu Installation - Personal Package Archives (PPA) (using a package)

Ubuntu Installation (compilation)

Debian Installation

CentOS Installation - CentOS 7, 6 and Fedora

RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 from Source

Fedora Installation

OpenSuse Installation

FreeBSD 8, 9 and 10 Installation

Mac OS X 10.11 w/Homebrew Installation - Should work with 10.10 as well.

Windows Installation

Advanced Installation Guides

Installation with Rust

Compile as Position-Independent Executables (PIE)

Installation from GIT (Ubuntu + OpenBSD)

Installation from GIT with PCRE-JIT

Installation from GIT with luajit

HTP Library Installation

Installation from GIT with PF_RING on Ubuntu server LTS

Installation from GIT with PF_RING on Ubuntu server 12.04.

Installation of Suricata stable with PF RING (STABLE) on Ubuntu server 12.04

CentOS 6.4 Installation (with unix socket, geoip, profiling and MD5 features)

Setting up IPS/inline for Linux

Third Party Installation Guides

Distributions containing Suricata

There are also several Distributions Containing Suricata.

Outdated/Unsupported Installation Guides

The following installation guides are considered outdated but may provide useful information to those who need to build on older systems.

CentOS 5 Installation - CentOS 5/6 Installation Guide

Mac OS X (10.6.x) Installation (works for 10.5.8 as well)

Installation with CUDA and PFRING on Scientific Linux 6

Installation with CUDA on Scientific Linux 6

Installation with CUDA on Ubuntu server 11.04

Installation with CUDA and PF_RING on Ubuntu server 12.04


After the installation, continue with the Basic Setup

Basic Setup