

Genina Po

  • Login: gpo
  • Registered on: 04/06/2022
  • Last sign in: 02/13/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4



07:36 PM Suricata Feature #6808 (New): Quantify how a Suricata rule matches against a PCAP
Have Suricata return a rule's content match percentage against a PCAP.
This match percentage could be derived from...
Genina Po


09:26 PM Suricata Bug #6415 (Closed): http.header, http.header.raw and http.request_header buffers not populated when malformed header value exists
Hi Suricata Team,
I was reviewing traffic with a malformed Transfer-Encoding header:...
Genina Po


12:40 AM Suricata Support #5366 (Closed): Displaying Chinese Characters in eve.json
Hi OISF Team,
Is there a way to display Chinese characters in my eve.json?
This question came up as I was crea...
Genina Po


11:35 PM Suricata Feature #5234 (Closed): SSL/TLS Sticky Buffer for subjectAltName
Hi Team,
Does Suricata support parsing subjectAltName data into a SSL/TLS sticky buffer? If not, it would be a nic...
Genina Po

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