

Peter McPherson

  • Login: pmcpherson
  • Registered on: 10/23/2023
  • Last sign in: 10/25/2023


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Reported issues 1 0 1



08:08 PM Suricata Bug #6416: Suricata not using Myricom SNF driver in a performant way
I have also discovered that when we enable decoder-events.rules, we take a huge performance hit. I'm not exactly sure... Peter McPherson


09:12 PM Suricata Bug #6416: Suricata not using Myricom SNF driver in a performant way
I have discovered that most of the issue seems to be that my PCAP has a couple large flows in it: like 500MB, 3500 se... Peter McPherson
06:06 PM Suricata Bug #6416: Suricata not using Myricom SNF driver in a performant way
I have discovered that even when using af_packet instead of Myricom, performance is a bit better but still starts dro... Peter McPherson


04:29 PM Suricata Bug #6416: Suricata not using Myricom SNF driver in a performant way
Oh; I have about 500 vanilla rules running. Not a big load. Peter McPherson
04:28 PM Suricata Bug #6416 (New): Suricata not using Myricom SNF driver in a performant way
I am not seeing Suricata perform very well when running it on a Myricom 10G interface with the SNF (Snifferv3) driver... Peter McPherson

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