chris tang
- Login: antsknows
- Registered on: 11/21/2023
- Last sign in: 05/22/2024
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Reported issues | 1 | 2 | 3 |
- 09:51 AM Suricata Optimization #7208: tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case
- Here is the new PR
- 09:23 AM Suricata Optimization #7208: tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case
- Shivani Bhardwaj wrote in #note-7:
> Thank you. Could you please create a PR at ...
- 07:59 AM Suricata Optimization #7208: tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case
- Thank you for your ongoing attention and responses to my tickets.
> However, I'm a bit unsure about the claimed ti...
- 01:42 AM Suricata Optimization #7208: tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case
- Shivani Bhardwaj wrote in #note-2:
> chris tang wrote in #note-1:
> > 1. Finds the first node A greater than or equ...
- 12:39 PM Suricata Optimization #7208: tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case
- 1. Finds the first node A greater than or equal to the offset
2. Find A's prev node B
3. Check B->len+B->offset > ... - 12:33 PM Suricata Optimization #7208 (Closed): tcp/reassemble: GetBlock takes O(nlgn) in worst case
- The GetBlock function search the suitable StreamingBufferBlock by offset, but it relys on SBB_RB_NEXT which degree th...
- 07:29 AM Suricata Bug #7157 (Rejected): memcpy to unknow address due to CALLOC and Realloc without setting sc_errno
- have been fixed in 7.0.6
Victor Julien wrote in #note-1:
> Looks like a duplicate of #6782, fixed in master and 7...
- 03:21 AM Suricata Bug #7157 (Rejected): memcpy to unknow address due to CALLOC and Realloc without setting sc_errno
- The StreamingBufferAppend and StreamingBufferAppendNoTrack logic utilizes sc_errno to validate the success of malloc ...
- 03:05 AM Suricata Bug #6560 (New): Suricata can’t output response when meet a tcp retransmission after a response
- detail sees also in
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