



Bug #1061


Multiple flowbit set in one rule

Added by Amin Latifi over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:


If we want to set multiple flowbits in one rule, snort has suggested used the below syntax:


But, in suricata writing the following syntax for the same logic does not provide any error!
flowbits:set,bit2; flowbits:set,bit3;

Unfortunately, regardless of its correctness in logic prospective, it has some bad effects on function SCSigGetFlowbitsType at detect-engine-sigorder.c file. Since in this function programmer expected just one instance of each type of read and write flowbit command. So, after counting each type of flowbit commands i.e. read and write; had written the following code:
    if (read == 1 && write == 0) {
        flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_READ;
    } else if (read == 0 && write == 1) {
        flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_SET;
    } else if (read == 1 && write == 1) {
        flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_SET_READ;

Hence, if we set two flowbits in second format, the write variable will have value 2!

Actions #1

Updated by Victor Julien over 11 years ago

We don't support the syntax setting multiple bits in one statement. I think the "flowbits:set,bit2&bit3;" case we actually consider it to be one flowbit, named "bit2&bit3".

I don't understand the 2nd part of your report.

Actions #2

Updated by Amin Latifi over 11 years ago

I mean suricata accepts second syntax without any error!

Actions #3

Updated by Victor Julien over 11 years ago

I don't see a problem with that syntax. Whats wrong with it? 2 seperate keywords will just set up 2 keywords in the rule structure, each with their own sigmatch, flowbit data, postmatch, etc.

Actions #4

Updated by Amin Latifi over 11 years ago

The problem is in SCSigGetFlowbitsType function, we expect just zero or one instance of flowbits:set:....; keyword. If we have two or more of them, this function does not work appropriately. Consider below code again:

    if (read == 1 && write == 0) {
        flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_READ;
    } else if (read == 0 && write == 1) {
        flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_SET;
    } else if (read == 1 && write == 1) {
        flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_SET_READ;

Here, if we have two flowbits:set:....;, the write variable will have value 2.

Actions #5

Updated by Victor Julien over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Target version changed from TBD to 2.0beta2

Ah yes, good catch. Working on a fix.

Actions #6

Updated by Victor Julien over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Fixed by:

commit f6e37dcc90963a944493bea835f22af7b6329bb2
Author: Victor Julien <>
Date:   Tue Dec 10 09:30:48 2013 +0100

    Bug 1061: fix multiple vars per sig in ordering

    In sigordering rules that had multiple vars doing the same operation,
    like setting multiple flowbits, would not be considered correctly.

    Bug 1061.

Opened #1063 for 1.4.7.


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