Bug #1061
closedMultiple flowbit set in one rule
Affected Versions:
If we want to set multiple flowbits in one rule, snort has suggested used the below syntax:
But, in suricata writing the following syntax for the same logic does not provide any error!
flowbits:set,bit2; flowbits:set,bit3;
Unfortunately, regardless of its correctness in logic prospective, it has some bad effects on function SCSigGetFlowbitsType at detect-engine-sigorder.c file. Since in this function programmer expected just one instance of each type of read and write flowbit command. So, after counting each type of flowbit commands i.e. read and write; had written the following code:
if (read == 1 && write == 0) { flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_READ; } else if (read == 0 && write == 1) { flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_SET; } else if (read == 1 && write == 1) { flowbits_user_type = DETECT_FLOWBITS_TYPE_SET_READ; }
Hence, if we set two flowbits in second format, the write variable will have value 2!