Feature #1380
openJSON and Unified2 output "payload" does not contain full (or real in the case of Unified2) packets for session
Proposed solution¶
- Optionally use pcapng format instead of pcap (compile-time, run-time?)
- Extended Packet Block option field supports arbitrary option code (can get one assigned or use 1 in MSB to signify local) with TLV format for block
- Use this to store flowid in every packet for a given flow
- Will allow strong correlation of FULL session that triggered alert
- Can reduce duplication of packet data for flows that trigger multiple alerts
- libpcap only supports reading pcapng (not all fields)
- NTAR ( is a library that could be used to provide writing in the short-term
- Can also write flowid in files metadata for file extraction to allow easy linkage back to flows (array to prevent duplicates)
Updated by Andreas Herz about 9 years ago
- Assignee set to OISF Dev
- Target version set to TBD
Updated by Jason Ish almost 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #3480: EVE JSON - Incorrect Packet Logged added