



Bug #298


Missing stats for PF_RING autofp runmode

Added by Chris Wakelin over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:


stats.log output when using PF_RING with --runmode=autofp shows 0 for "TM Name" RxPfringNN

--runmode=auto is fine.


Date: 7/11/2011 -- 23:38:53 (uptime: 0d, 04h 55m 31s)
Counter                   | TM Name                   | Value
tcp.sessions              | Detect                    | 1432826
tcp.ssn_memcap_drop       | Detect                    | 0
tcp.pseudo                | Detect                    | 193736
tcp.segment_memcap_drop   | Detect                    | 0
tcp.stream_depth_reached  | Detect                    | 1363
detect.alert              | Detect                    | 577
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.ipv4              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.ipv6              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.ethernet          | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.raw               | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.sll               | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.tcp               | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.udp               | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.sctp              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.icmpv4            | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.icmpv6            | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.ppp               | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.pppoe             | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.gre               | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.vlan              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.avg_pkt_size      | RxPfring1                 | 0.000000
decoder.max_pkt_size      | RxPfring1                 | 0
defrag.ipv4.fragments     | RxPfring1                 | 0
defrag.ipv4.reassembled   | RxPfring1                 | 0
defrag.ipv4.timeouts      | RxPfring1                 | 0
defrag.ipv6.fragments     | RxPfring1                 | 0
defrag.ipv6.reassembled   | RxPfring1                 | 0
defrag.ipv6.timeouts      | RxPfring1                 | 0
Actions #1

Updated by Chris Wakelin over 13 years ago

It looks like it does update the stats on exit; here's part of stats.log from a run with "threads: 4"

Date: 7/12/2011 -- 18:51:05 (uptime: 0d, 00h 00m 20s)
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring3                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring3                 | 0
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring4                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring4                 | 0
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring2                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring2                 | 0
Date: 7/12/2011 -- 18:51:13 (uptime: 0d, 00h 00m 28s)
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring1                 | 0
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring3                 | 45
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring3                 | 49315
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring4                 | 40
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring4                 | 3169
decoder.pkts              | RxPfring2                 | 0
decoder.bytes             | RxPfring2                 | 0

it also seems to hang, at least sometimes, on exit leading to the same stats getting repeated until Suricata is killed with "kill -9".

The problem with the stats and the hanging seems to be the same with the default PF_RING runmode if threads > 1.

Actions #2

Updated by Victor Julien over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Victor Julien
  • Target version set to 1.1beta3
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This should be fixed in the current git master. Please reopen if this isn't the case.


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