Feature #480
closedTeredo tunnel support
Teredo IPv6 is a common tunneling mechanism often used in Microsoft environment.
It would be great if Suricata could support it.
RFC can be found here : http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4380.txt
Miredo is an open source implementation : http://www.remlab.net/miredo/
Updated by Victor Julien over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Eric Leblond
- Target version set to 1.4beta1
Updated by Eric Leblond over 12 years ago
- File teredo-complete.pcap teredo-complete.pcap added
protocol decoding¶
This is the easy part. the IPv6 packet is simply put inside the IPv4 packet via encapsulation. We may have a dedicated field before the IPv6 field but it will be enough to iterate other the block starting with 0x0 and to get the length of the block. Then jumping to the next block can be done. If it looks like an IPv6 header this is one!
protocol detection¶
This part is more tricky. The start of the exchange is made with a teredo-server. A negotiation is made and this lead to the choice by the teredo server of a teredo-relay (the real data are exchanged with the relay). A message is sent by toredo-server to indicate the teredo-relay params.
Then the teredo-client can send tunneled data to the teredo-relay.
I don't think using a match on 0x0 (0x0|0x1) is a sufficient criteria as there is too few bits. A possible detection method is to try to decode the protocol and if we found a IPv6 packet after a few jumps, we've won.
I attach a complete pcap (with data to relay) to the ticket.
Updated by Eric Leblond about 12 years ago
I attach the patch against origin/master to the ticket. No configuration is needed to activate the decoding.
Updated by Eric Leblond about 12 years ago
Pull request on github: https://github.com/inliniac/suricata/pull/2
Updated by Victor Julien about 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 80 to 90
Merged, thanks Eric.
Can you also add teredo packet counter?
Updated by Victor Julien about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Counter merged as well, thanks Eric!