Feature #6885
openreferences: new "wayback" reference and update others
I know this isn't the most interesting "issue" to solve, but is one that comes up from time to time.
As an ever increasing amount of URL references are lost, the internet archive's "wayback machine" provides a valuable resource to access to old references.
I'd like to propose that a new reference be introduced called "wayback"
config reference: wayback https://web.archive.org/web/*/
This will allow an existing url
references to be replaced with wayback
, while keeping the reference value the same. It would be the intention to only use this reference when a copy of the reference URL is available via the wayback machine's archive.
Additionally the current reference.config file has many non-functioning websites as well.
The current config is as follows (with notes added under each line)
# config reference: system URL config reference: bugtraq http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/ - domain doesn't resolve config reference: bid http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/ - domain doesn't resolve config reference: cve http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name= #config reference: cve http://cvedetails.com/cve/ config reference: secunia http://www.secunia.com/advisories/ - redirects to non-useful page #whitehats is unfortunately gone config reference: arachNIDS http://www.whitehats.com/info/IDS - domain parked config reference: McAfee http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_ - domain doesn't resolve config reference: nessus http://cgi.nessus.org/plugins/dump.php3?id= - 404s - might just need updated to https://www.tenable.com/plugins/nessus/ config reference: url http:// config reference: et http://doc.emergingthreats.net/ - redirects to non-useful page config reference: etpro http://doc.emergingthreatspro.com/ - redirects to non-useful page config reference: telus http:// config reference: osvdb http://osvdb.org/show/osvdb/ - domain doesn't resolve config reference: threatexpert http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?md5= - domain doesn't resolve config reference: md5 http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?md5= - domain doesn't resolve config reference: exploitdb http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/ - WORKS! config reference: openpacket https://www.openpacket.org/capture/grab/ - Doesn't return a webpage config reference: securitytracker http://securitytracker.com/id? - Looks to be not functioning (sometime in 2022?) config reference: secunia http://secunia.com/advisories/ - Redirects to a non-useful page config reference: xforce http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/ - domain doesn't resolve config reference: msft http://technet.microsoft.com/security/bulletin/
I'd like to propose that some of these be replaced with references to the Internet Archives copy.
Using bid and bugtraq as an example, these could be updated as follows:
config reference: bugtraq https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/ config reference: bid https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/
I've actually had great luck with using the wayback machine for securityfocus.com.
Updated by Jeff Lucovsky 9 months ago
A sampling of ET open shows these reference uses (note that many are no longer available):
$ awk -F";" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i ~ /reference:/) print $i}' ~/suricata.rules|cut -d ',' -f1|sort -b|uniq -c 178 reference:arachnids 69 reference:bid 5 reference:bugtraq 2197 reference:bugtraq 8890 reference:cve 3 reference:mcafee 28821 reference:md5 184 reference:nessus 469 reference:secunia 4 reference:url 42286 reference:url