Bug #943
closedpfring: see if we can report that the module is not loaded
Affected Versions:
If the pfring kernel module is not loaded, currently we just give
[7705] 9/9/2013 -- 10:58:22 - (source-pfring.c:409) <Error> (ReceivePfringThreadInit) -- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PF_RING_OPEN(34)] - opening eth1 failed: pfring_open error
But maybe/hopefully the lib will be able to tell us the kernel part is not loaded.
Updated by Victor Julien over 11 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version changed from 2.0rc2 to 2.0beta2
Updated by Eric Leblond over 11 years ago
I've checked PF_RING documentation and pf_ring_open code. Both studies lead to the conclusion that there is no error return. So it is impossible to get the reason of the error from the library.
I think we should close this ticket for now.
Updated by Victor Julien over 11 years ago
Maybe we can just add a more verbose error message. Something like:
[7705] 9/9/2013 -- 10:58:22 - (source-pfring.c:409) <Error> (ReceivePfringThreadInit) -- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_PF_RING_OPEN(34)] - opening eth1 failed: pfring_open error. Check if eth1 exists and pf_ring module is loaded.
Updated by Eric Leblond about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
Commited in PR