

Stian Bergseth

  • Login: StianB
  • Registered on: 10/07/2016
  • Last sign in: 11/05/2019


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4



02:22 PM Suricata Feature #3298: Create a config flag in the DNS logger to limit events to only the ones in the custom field
I guess it depends a bit.
I was under the impression that only the specified lookups/responses in the custom field w...
Stian Bergseth
02:18 PM Suricata Feature #3296: Include in the fileinfo if it was a duplicate
I did not bring it up actually :)
But iirc the wanted feature was to update the metainfo in filestore with first s...
Stian Bergseth


04:34 PM Suricata Feature #3298: Create a config flag in the DNS logger to limit events to only the ones in the custom field
eve.json output from the same host... Stian Bergseth
04:31 PM Suricata Feature #3298: Create a config flag in the DNS logger to limit events to only the ones in the custom field
Output from suricata --dump-config... Stian Bergseth
04:14 PM Suricata Feature #3298 (Feedback): Create a config flag in the DNS logger to limit events to only the ones in the custom field
I am currently running Suricata with the following YAML for dns logging:... Stian Bergseth


12:14 PM Suricata Bug #2627: lua: load script from same location as rule file if not in default rule location
I took a crack at this, Stian Bergseth


02:18 PM Suricata Feature #1658: Docs: Add Installation Guides to the Sphinx Documentation
Isnt this already resolved? Stian Bergseth
01:45 PM Suricata Feature #2644 (Closed): Add direction of stream to eve-json events
Add a direction field in eve-json to indicate what direction the stream started with.
Stian Bergseth


05:20 AM Suricata Feature #2319 (Rejected): Expose flow lifetime to the rulelanguage
During the roadmap discussion in Prague someone asked for the possiblity to detect long lived sessions.
VictorJ said...
Stian Bergseth


03:31 AM Suricata Bug #2251: Suricata won't start - SC_ERR_AHO_CORASICK
From suricata.yaml
- profile: custom
- custom-values:
toclient-src-groups: 200
Stian Bergseth

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