



Feature #1235


Uniformed use of logging and configuration formats

Added by Andreas Moe over 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:


At the present time Suricatas configuration is in the YAML format, alerts can be given i various formats and statistics is in a formated plaintext format. There are various tickets regarding the future of suricata that regard some kind of formating of input and or output. Examples of this are Feature #249 and Feature #1228 and other places where Suricata will uses for example csv formats in packet profiling.

My suggestion is to create a policy for what kind of formats should be used. An example of such a policy / guideline could be that all configuration should be given in YAML format or YAML or JSON and output of non-alert events in csv or json. This would give a certanty for the users and developers with regards to how functionality should be explored / implemented and how something should be written in the configuration. My suggestions for formats are just examples by the way.

Actions #1

Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago

I agree with the Feature request -
although for the majority of outputs we are slowly but surely migrating towards JSON.
ex - eve.json

As far as configuration is concerned - it is yaml, do you mean some other config options?

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Moe over 10 years ago

The outputs - in the form of triggers of rules - are in my mind for the short term, good to keep in a variance (alot use unified2 with barnyard for example). I was thinking more about the case of Feature #249 as an example. This is a feature that with implement a new way of giving some input / configuration to suricata. These kinds of input situations should be kept uniform (eg, a concrete decision of for ex. yaml). And other forms of output that are none-rule-trigger/alert related should also be kept uniform with for ex json (packet profiling output, statistics, etc).

Actions #3

Updated by Andreas Moe over 10 years ago

With flexibility in mind, and that many users today may have allready produces scripts and other solutions to convert the data in http, dns, stats and so on to a more workable structure, could there maybe be implemented a possibilty to choose format until the "old" is removed in a future release?


- http-log:
    enabled: yes/no
    filename: <insert filename>
    append: yes/no
    format: json/csv/"old_standard" 

So overall, this ticket is in my mind moving more towards:
  1. A proposal of a shift of policy where all input / output formats are standardized with the intention of that the chosen format should be easy to "send on to" other applications (ex: json, cef, csv)
  2. A proposal of a shift towards incorporation of JSON at broader level than today.
Actions #4

Updated by Peter Manev over 10 years ago

So what you are proposing is for the "old" style logging - to be able to chose your output format?
So that you can enable different file outputs for the different logs (dns,http,tls...), is that correct?

If that is the case - what stops you from using the eve.log with the JSON format?

Actions #5

Updated by Andreas Moe over 10 years ago

Im not just talking about logging, i'm talking about all the choices made for formats that are read / outputed that not the alerts/rules/triggers (many systems use unified2 with barnyard and maybe the old logging, would be bad to take that away). Im takling about configuration, smaller inputs like Feature #249 and the other outputs that are not eve.log / fast-log / unified2. That some decision should be made to say "ok people, we are using YAML for all configurations, and all non-alert related output (eg DNS logging, HTTP logging) should be JSON" as an example.

Yes it is possible to get DNS and HTTP logging in the Eve-log, but with systems that have huge amounts of traffic it is not very doable to have all of this data going to one place. An example of a configuration i'm using is HTTP traffic goes to http.log files and are rotated (or else the files get huge) and parsed every 5 min. Alerts are writen in the unified2 format and further processed by barnyard. The stats.log is rotated every hour and parsed every 30 seconds and can then be passed on to graphite or an ELK stack. DNS logging is rotated just as much as HTTP logging but parsed and sent to different systems. So many secondary systems (reparsing due to the format of the data as it is produced from suricata) have to be implemented for get all this to work. Even though a system say can handle direct input of JSON data, it is much easier to process such a common standard than some self-created-format.

Actions #6

Updated by Victor Julien over 10 years ago

The JSON output can easily be directed to seperate files. I did a quick write up here: EveJSONOutput.

Even though the JSON format is generally quite self explaining, we've started documenting the fields here: EveJSONFormat. As you can see, it's far from done.

Actions #7

Updated by Andreas Moe over 10 years ago

Ahh! Well that is great! Did not know about that ability. I updated the EveJSONFormat to describe the even_types for HTTP and DNS.

Actions #8

Updated by Andreas Herz about 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to OISF Dev
  • Target version set to TBD

Is this still an issue?

Actions #9

Updated by Victor Julien over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (OISF Dev)
  • Priority changed from Low to Normal
  • Target version deleted (TBD)

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