Bug #1924
closedWindows dynamic DNS updates trigger 'DNS malformed request data' alerts
Affected Versions:
Windows dynamic DNS updates trigger 'DNS malformed request data' alerts. This is because the AD server is returning a response with:
Type: AAAA
Class: ANY (0x00ff)
Time to live: 0 seconds
Data length: 0
Presumably this is because with have IPv6 disabled on our network.
It also has an entry with:
Type: A
Class: ANY (0x00ff)
Time to live: 0 seconds
Data length: 0
and then finally the normal:
Type: A
Class: IN (0x0001)
Time to live: 20 minutes
Data length: 4
But in src/app-layer-dns-common.c:
if (ntohs(head->len) == 4) {
//PrintRawDataFp(stdout, data, ntohs(head->len));
//char a[16];
//PrintInet(AF_INET, (const void *)data, a, sizeof(a));
//SCLogInfo("A %s TTL %u", a, ntohl(head->ttl));
DNSStoreAnswerInState(dns_state, list, fqdn, fqdn_len,
ntohs(head->type), ntohs(head->class), ntohl(head->ttl),
data, 4, ntohs(dns_header->tx_id));
} else {
SCLogDebug("invalid length for A response data: %u", ntohs(head->len));
goto bad_data;
data += ntohs(head->len);
if (ntohs(head->len) == 16) {
//char a[46];
//PrintInet(AF_INET6, (const void *)data, a, sizeof(a));
//SCLogInfo("AAAA %s TTL %u", a, ntohl(head->ttl));
DNSStoreAnswerInState(dns_state, list, fqdn, fqdn_len,
ntohs(head->type), ntohs(head->class), ntohl(head->ttl),
data, 16, ntohs(dns_header->tx_id));
} else {
SCLogDebug("invalid length for AAAA response data: %u", ntohs(head->len));
goto bad_data;
So if len 0 we return invalid length. Perhaps we need a special case for class ANY or len == 0?
Updated by Victor Julien over 8 years ago
Could you attach a pcap of this traffic?
Updated by Orion Poplawski over 8 years ago
- File dnsadupdate_anon.pcapng dnsadupdate_anon.pcapng added
Here's a snippet. Also confusing is that the alert refers to "request data", but the issue is with "response data".
Updated by Victor Julien over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Jason Ish
- Target version set to 70
Updated by Jason Ish over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 70 to 3.2
Merged, see
Updated by Victor Julien over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed