Bug #2057
closedeve.json flow logs do not contain in_iface
I am listing this as a bug rather than a feature, due to the importance of being able to source the interface from which traffic is captured.
I have a client with 2 monitoring interface and multiple vlans, many of which must traverse both mirrored (spanned) interfaces to communicate with internal servers, etc. The topology is anything but straight-forward, and the amount of duplicate traffic is nothing short of overwhelming.
I have attempted to discern the sources of traffic and relate it to one of the interfaces in use. However, this is proving to be almost impossible to do without the ability to differentiate between each interface using flow records.
in_iface is logged in event type: dns, tls, http, fileinfo, alert, and ssh, but not always, which is curious by itself.
I have attached samples of each as well as the yaml.
Suricata version 3.1.3.