Feature #2092
openTask #4380: tracking: improvements to bits, ints, vars
Improved support for xbits/hostbits - workers runmode
Similar to but for workers runmode
Updated by Victor Julien almost 8 years ago
Can you be more specific about what this ticket is about? #1661 has a solution that doesn't apply to workers.
Updated by Peter Manev almost 8 years ago
Following #1661 -
"..The problem is that when using autofp or workers mode there's no guarantee the relevant traffic will all be in the same thread and hence match the xbits..."
So #1661 has an autofp patch but the issue is still valid for workers mode/xbits/ip_pair combination.
From previous discussions it seems a possible fix for workers is not trivial - so starting a new tracker for it here.
Updated by Andreas Herz almost 8 years ago
- Assignee set to OISF Dev
- Target version set to TBD