



Bug #2402


http_header_names doesn't operate as documented

Added by Duane Howard about 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:


Not sure if the bug is in implementation, or in the documentation. In the second example of the documentation0 we learn that to validate that a Header is at the beginning of the http_header_names buffer we can use "|0D 0A 0D 0A|HeaderName". It appears, however that the |0D 0A 0D 0A| is only applicable at the end of the buffer.

I've tested on Suricata 4.0.3 RELEASE, output can be found below1 and files used in testing are attached for your easy reproduction.


duaneh@zombie-lab6:~$ /usr/bin/suricata -c suricata-pcap.yaml --runmode=single  -S http_header_names.rules -r suricata_test.pcap
Initialization syslog logging with format "[%i] <%d> -- ".
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:33 - <Notice> - This is Suricata version 4.0.3 RELEASE
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:33 - <Info> - CPUs/cores online: 16
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:33 - <Info> - HTTP memcap: 6442450944
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - 1 rule files processed. 2 rules successfully loaded, 0 rules failed
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - Threshold config parsed: 1 rule(s) found
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - 2 signatures processed. 0 are IP-only rules, 0 are inspecting packet payload, 2 inspect application layer, 0 are decoder event only
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - fast output device (regular) initialized: /tmp/fast.log
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - Unified2-alert initialized: filename suricata.u2, limit 128 MB
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - stats output device (regular) initialized: stats.log
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - Syslog output initialized
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - reading pcap file suricata_test.pcap
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Notice> - all 1 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started.
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Info> - pcap file end of file reached (pcap err code 0)
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:36 - <Notice> - Signal Received.  Stopping engine.
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:37 - <Info> - time elapsed 1.421s
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:38 - <Notice> - Pcap-file module read 10 packets, 1100 bytes
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:38 - <Info> - Alerts: 1
4/1/2018 -- 21:15:38 - <Info> - cleaning up signature grouping structure... complete

duaneh@zombie-lab6:~$ cat /tmp/fast.log 
01/04/2018-21:07:49.173020  [**] [1:8000002:1] Header Test 2 - Like Depth [**] [Classification: (null)] [Priority: 3] {TCP} ->


http_header_names.rules (471 Bytes) http_header_names.rules test rules Duane Howard, 01/04/2018 03:25 PM
suricata_test.pcap (1.25 KB) suricata_test.pcap test pcap Duane Howard, 01/04/2018 03:25 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

This is a documentation error. The format is


You can use depth (soon also starts_with) to anchor to the start of the buffer.

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Herz about 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to OISF Dev
  • Target version set to Documentation
Actions #3

Updated by Victor Julien almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from OISF Dev to Victor Julien
  • Target version changed from Documentation to 4.1beta1
Actions #4

Updated by Victor Julien almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Closed

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