Feature #2916
closedFTP decoder should have Rust port parsers
Feature 2459 and bug 2527 added support for FTP active mode.
That created 2 new functions to process the command lines associated with PORT and EPRT in active mode.
The new functions are
1. FTPGetV6PortNumber
2. FTPGetV4PortNumber
The existing functions for parsing the port number in passive mode have Rust language equivalents. These are:
1. FTPParsePassiveResponseV6 (Rust: rs_ftp_epsv_response)
2. FTPParsePassiveResponse (Rust: rs_ftp_pasv_response)
The new functions should have Rust equivalents for parsing the command line.
Updated by Andreas Herz over 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Jeff Lucovsky
- Target version set to TBD
Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Target version changed from TBD to 5.0rc1
Updated by Jeff Lucovsky over 5 years ago
FTP Active mode:
IPv4 format:
PORT 192,168,0,13,234,10
IPv6 format:
EPRT |2|2a01:e34:ee97:b130:8c3e:45ea:5ac6:e301|41813|
FTP Passive Mode:
IPv4 format:
227 Entering Passive Mode (212,27,32,66,221,243)
IPv6 format:
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||48758|).
Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed