



Bug #5406


HTTP Req and resp correlation incorrect

Added by Sachin Desai over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:



On a setup with medium to heavy load we are seeing that the suricata logs do not have the right correlation between request and responses.

  1. The customer is running HTTP1/1 on upstream servers between the load balancer and application which may point to multiple streams over persistent connections.
  1. We are also seeing a large amount of logs with same flow_id.

Some stats of concern (complete stats attached).


A few questions,
1. We are seeing large amount of flows with identical flow_ids (due to persistent connections)
2. Also, there are large reassembly gaps. Can this cause req/resp transaction correlation?
3. In case of reassembly gaps, how doesnt Suricata resume processing of next request over the same TCP connection. If it doesnt, does it mean, we have a lot more loss?

Unfortunately, we do not have access to the setup to collect pcaps. But will try to collect anything that helps.

Setup: suricata-6.0.4 and libhtp 0.5.39 running VXLAN packets.

Thanks for the great product!!!!


suricatastats.json (35 KB) suricatastats.json Suricata stats Sachin Desai, 06/24/2022 07:52 AM
test.pcap (1.16 KB) test.pcap Sachin Desai, 06/24/2022 01:50 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Sachin Desai over 2 years ago

We are able to reproduce possibily, one of the scenarios. In a persistent connection, assume there are 2 transactions. If the response of first and req of second are lost, Suricata ends up incorrectly co-relating.

Counters are flagging the reassembly gap but the output log does get generated causing some amount of confusion.

"reassembly_gap": 1,      
"overlap": 2,

Is there way to stop Suricata from generating logs on such reassembly gaps?

For ex: attached is one such pcap that can help reproduce the issue.

Actions #2

Updated by Sachin Desai over 2 years ago

Was wondering if there are any helpful comments or is this a Suricata limitation we need to live with?


Actions #3

Updated by Philippe Antoine over 1 year ago

After a gap, request and response association is indeed not guaranteed as we do not know how many requests/responses got missed in the gap...

Do you have a proposal to do better ?

Actions #4

Updated by Sachin Desai over 1 year ago

Philippe Antoine wrote in #note-3:

After a gap, request and response association is indeed not guaranteed as we do not know how many requests/responses got missed in the gap...

Do you have a proposal to do better ?

Not an expert on the design/code of Suricata, but such behavior can be misleading. Is there a way ignore or stop this correlation from happening when we know there have been drops. Any configs/controls to use in this case?


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