Feature #746
closedDecoding API modification
I propose to change the type of Decode* function (and other decoding functions as well). It could then return an error if the decoding is not correct (let's say SC_ERR).
Then we could do in DecodeTeredo and other functions:
if (IP_GET_RAW_VER(start) == 6) { IPV6Hdr *thdr = (IPV6Hdr *)start; if (len == IPV6_HEADER_LEN + IPV6_GET_RAW_PLEN(thdr) + (start - pkt)) { if (pq != NULL) { int blen = len - (start - pkt); /* spawn off tunnel packet */ Packet *tp = PacketPseudoPktSetup(p, start, blen, IPPROTO_IPV6); if (tp != NULL) { PKT_SET_SRC(tp, PKT_SRC_DECODER_TEREDO); /* send that to the Tunnel decoder */ ret = DecodeTunnel(tv, dtv, tp, GET_PKT_DATA(tp), GET_PKT_LEN(tp), pq, IPPROTO_IPV6); if (ret != SC_ERR) { /* add the tp to the packet queue. */ PacketEnqueue(pq,tp); SCPerfCounterIncr(dtv->counter_teredo, tv->sc_perf_pca); return 1; } else { RETURN PACKET TO POOL return 0; } } } }
This would allow to detect incorrect IPv6 packets which will trigger a failure of DecodeIPv6 and hence of DecodeTunnel. This way we will detect invalid packet in the most accurate way.