



Bug #2355


Missing events with PF_RING 7.1.0

Added by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
Affected Versions:


After building Suricata (4.0.0 and later, didn't try 3.x) with PF_RING 7.1.0, EVE output does no longer contain app-level events, only flows, some alerts (only those that do not require app-layer decoding) and stats. The stats.log confirms that apparently app-layer decoding is limited:


Date: 12/11/2017 -- 13:52:26 (uptime: 0d, 00h 06m 04s)
Counter                                    | TM Name                   | Value
capture.kernel_packets                     | Total                     | 686336033
capture.kernel_drops                       | Total                     | 234516595
decoder.pkts                               | Total                     | 452024541
decoder.bytes                              | Total                     | 326598481839
decoder.invalid                            | Total                     | 752032
decoder.ipv4                               | Total                     | 450564379
decoder.ipv6                               | Total                     | 13465
decoder.ethernet                           | Total                     | 465278010
decoder.tcp                                | Total                     | 413616530
decoder.udp                                | Total                     | 26575273
decoder.icmpv4                             | Total                     | 8305400
decoder.icmpv6                             | Total                     | 50
decoder.gre                                | Total                     | 275
decoder.vlan                               | Total                     | 422557560
decoder.teredo                             | Total                     | 12613
decoder.avg_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 722
decoder.max_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 1514
flow.tcp                                   | Total                     | 2239259
flow.udp                                   | Total                     | 1106157
flow.icmpv6                                | Total                     | 3
defrag.ipv4.fragments                      | Total                     | 10385
defrag.ipv4.reassembled                    | Total                     | 4960
decoder.icmpv4.ipv4_unknown_ver            | Total                     | 9
decoder.tcp.invalid_optlen                 | Total                     | 8
decoder.vlan.unknown_type                  | Total                     | 752015
tcp.sessions                               | Total                     | 1552824
tcp.pseudo                                 | Total                     | 36994
tcp.syn                                    | Total                     | 4537984
tcp.synack                                 | Total                     | 3343138
tcp.rst                                    | Total                     | 2687129
tcp.stream_depth_reached                   | Total                     | 3222
tcp.reassembly_gap                         | Total                     | 22404
tcp.overlap                                | Total                     | 148635
tcp.insert_list_fail                       | Total                     | 130
detect.alert                               | Total                     | 45
app_layer.flow.http                        | Total                     | 17014
app_layer.tx.http                          | Total                     | 33506
app_layer.flow.smtp                        | Total                     | 1195
app_layer.tx.smtp                          | Total                     | 1455
app_layer.flow.tls                         | Total                     | 111789
app_layer.flow.ssh                         | Total                     | 10
app_layer.flow.smb                         | Total                     | 551
app_layer.flow.dcerpc_tcp                  | Total                     | 554
app_layer.flow.dns_tcp                     | Total                     | 39
app_layer.tx.dns_tcp                       | Total                     | 57
app_layer.flow.enip_tcp                    | Total                     | 2
app_layer.tx.enip_tcp                      | Total                     | 4313
app_layer.flow.failed_tcp                  | Total                     | 25526
app_layer.flow.dns_udp                     | Total                     | 468444
app_layer.tx.dns_udp                       | Total                     | 1361992
app_layer.flow.enip_udp                    | Total                     | 189
app_layer.tx.enip_udp                      | Total                     | 194
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                  | Total                     | 637524
flow_mgr.closed_pruned                     | Total                     | 443247
flow_mgr.new_pruned                        | Total                     | 1945025
flow_mgr.est_pruned                        | Total                     | 13
flow.spare                                 | Total                     | 8800
flow.tcp_reuse                             | Total                     | 429273
flow_mgr.flows_checked                     | Total                     | 409914
flow_mgr.flows_notimeout                   | Total                     | 402764
flow_mgr.flows_timeout                     | Total                     | 7150
flow_mgr.flows_timeout_inuse               | Total                     | 247
flow_mgr.flows_removed                     | Total                     | 6903
flow_mgr.rows_checked                      | Total                     | 65536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped                      | Total                     | 39210
flow_mgr.rows_maxlen                       | Total                     | 39
tcp.memuse                                 | Total                     | 164095088
tcp.reassembly_memuse                      | Total                     | 1385919392
dns.memuse                                 | Total                     | 61260823
http.memuse                                | Total                     | 1740109925
flow.memuse                                | Total                     | 285200512


Date: 12/11/2017 -- 14:30:24 (uptime: 0d, 00h 05m 10s)
Counter                                    | TM Name                   | Value
capture.kernel_packets                     | Total                     | 501027458
capture.kernel_drops                       | Total                     | 70551514
decoder.pkts                               | Total                     | 502718889
decoder.bytes                              | Total                     | 385563135748
decoder.invalid                            | Total                     | 1228617
decoder.ipv4                               | Total                     | 501258422
decoder.ipv6                               | Total                     | 11947
decoder.ethernet                           | Total                     | 517635913
decoder.tcp                                | Total                     | 464279594
decoder.udp                                | Total                     | 28373641
decoder.icmpv4                             | Total                     | 7055425
decoder.icmpv6                             | Total                     | 40
decoder.gre                                | Total                     | 202
decoder.vlan                               | Total                     | 502718889
decoder.vlan_qinq                          | Total                     | 327549685
decoder.teredo                             | Total                     | 11092
decoder.avg_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 766
decoder.max_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 1518
flow.tcp                                   | Total                     | 914059
flow.udp                                   | Total                     | 3199030
flow.icmpv6                                | Total                     | 2
defrag.ipv4.fragments                      | Total                     | 7740
defrag.ipv4.reassembled                    | Total                     | 3703
decoder.icmpv4.ipv4_unknown_ver            | Total                     | 6
decoder.tcp.invalid_optlen                 | Total                     | 6
decoder.vlan.unknown_type                  | Total                     | 1228605
tcp.sessions                               | Total                     | 535445
tcp.syn                                    | Total                     | 3695043
tcp.synack                                 | Total                     | 2811274
tcp.rst                                    | Total                     | 2366381
detect.alert                               | Total                     | 34
app_layer.flow.dns_udp                     | Total                     | 1373463
app_layer.tx.dns_udp                       | Total                     | 1490375
app_layer.flow.enip_udp                    | Total                     | 170
app_layer.tx.enip_udp                      | Total                     | 197
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                  | Total                     | 1825397
flow_mgr.new_pruned                        | Total                     | 2855072
flow.spare                                 | Total                     | 13371
flow_mgr.flows_checked                     | Total                     | 737245
flow_mgr.flows_notimeout                   | Total                     | 728821
flow_mgr.flows_timeout                     | Total                     | 8424
flow_mgr.flows_removed                     | Total                     | 8424
flow_mgr.rows_checked                      | Total                     | 65536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped                      | Total                     | 28340
flow_mgr.rows_maxlen                       | Total                     | 44
tcp.memuse                                 | Total                     | 148958880
tcp.reassembly_memuse                      | Total                     | 3276800
dns.memuse                                 | Total                     | 42790886
flow.memuse                                | Total                     | 371814208

It's interesting that the remanining flows always have no content towards the client and are tagged "state":"new","reason":"timeout". Here's an anonymized sample with all src IPs set to and all dest IPs set to


I have prepared a VM containing a build to reproduce the issue. SSH (port 3022, user:user) into the box available from -- there's a setup there that should show the problem (see README.txt in /home/user).


eve.json (32.1 KB) eve.json Sascha Steinbiss, 06/02/2018 11:31 AM
example-traffic.pcap (267 KB) example-traffic.pcap Sascha Steinbiss, 06/02/2018 11:31 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

Looks like something changed around vlan handling. The PF_RING stats have a lot vlan_qinq, in other words 2 layers of vlan. Is that actually part of the monitored network?

Actions #2

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago

Victor Julien wrote:

Looks like something changed around vlan handling. The PF_RING stats have a lot vlan_qinq, in other words 2 layers of vlan. Is that actually part of the monitored network?

Probably not -- this may just have been a result of the tcpreplay situation on the test setup the initial two stats sets were taken from. For example, we have a second affected sensor which does not show this situation with PF_RING 7:

Date: 12/12/2017 -- 13:32:17 (uptime: 0d, 04h 23m 02s)
Counter                                    | TM Name                   | Value
capture.kernel_packets                     | Total                     | 5447912456
capture.kernel_drops                       | Total                     | 27609145
decoder.pkts                               | Total                     | 5448255815
decoder.bytes                              | Total                     | 4116807472187
decoder.ipv4                               | Total                     | 5550847406
decoder.ipv6                               | Total                     | 10494
decoder.ethernet                           | Total                     | 5448255815
decoder.tcp                                | Total                     | 4880628116
decoder.udp                                | Total                     | 148396011
decoder.icmpv4                             | Total                     | 2302091
decoder.vlan                               | Total                     | 5448255815
decoder.teredo                             | Total                     | 10494
decoder.avg_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 755
decoder.max_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 1514
flow.tcp                                   | Total                     | 37809373
flow.udp                                   | Total                     | 12849534
defrag.ipv4.fragments                      | Total                     | 205202629
defrag.ipv4.reassembled                    | Total                     | 102599273
tcp.sessions                               | Total                     | 15164807
tcp.syn                                    | Total                     | 15280775
tcp.synack                                 | Total                     | 15462895
tcp.rst                                    | Total                     | 8529129
detect.alert                               | Total                     | 6
app_layer.flow.dcerpc_udp                  | Total                     | 2773
app_layer.flow.dns_udp                     | Total                     | 3460986
app_layer.tx.dns_udp                       | Total                     | 3468702
app_layer.flow.enip_udp                    | Total                     | 18
app_layer.tx.enip_udp                      | Total                     | 644
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                  | Total                     | 9385757
flow_mgr.new_pruned                        | Total                     | 50462527
flow.spare                                 | Total                     | 10403
flow_mgr.flows_checked                     | Total                     | 20749
flow_mgr.flows_notimeout                   | Total                     | 18278
flow_mgr.flows_timeout                     | Total                     | 2471
flow_mgr.flows_removed                     | Total                     | 2471
flow_mgr.rows_checked                      | Total                     | 165536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped                      | Total                     | 154467
flow_mgr.rows_empty                        | Total                     | 834
flow_mgr.rows_maxlen                       | Total                     | 7
tcp.memuse                                 | Total                     | 33779760
tcp.reassembly_memuse                      | Total                     | 2621440
dns.memuse                                 | Total                     | 1573767
flow.memuse                                | Total                     | 70014464

FYI: the problem is also present with PF_RING 7.0.0, not only 7.1.0.

Actions #3

Updated by Andreas Herz about 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to Anonymous
  • Target version set to TBD
Actions #4

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Anonymous to OISF Dev
Actions #5

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from TBD to 70
Actions #6

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

I can confirm the issue. I see it with PF_RING 6.6.0 as well. It seems that if you comment out it works.

I've sent a report to Alfredo to see if this is a bug in our code or in PF_RING.

Actions #7

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

Alfredo told me that PR_RING does not strip the vlan header (in fact if the hardware removes it PF_RING puts it back). So we have to choose between relying on the PF_RING parsed info in the extended hdr or simply parse it ourselves.

This appears to be different from before, as Eric wrote in 1fa4233d67d068fd49155e9d153011a491125833: "PF_RING is delivering the packet with VLAN header stripped. This patch updates the code to get the information from PF_RING extended header information.".

Also, looking at, it's also suggested that the vlan header may not be present.

Actions #8

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from OISF Dev to Victor Julien
  • Target version changed from 70 to 4.1beta1

Should be fixed by

Please test!

Actions #9

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago

Please test!

I just tested the latest master in my VM with PF_RING 6.6.0 and 7.1.0, after confirming that the pfring patches were merged.
Apparently your changes, however, did not fix my original problem -- with 7.0.0 and 7.1.0 the same behaviour was observed as before (no app layer decoding) while on 6.6.0 it works. Interestingly I never encountered encounter any problem with 6.6.0 even before your changes, it just worked while 7.x didn't.

Is there anything else I could do to provide additional information? I will test on a non-virtualized sensor tomorrow as well but just wanted to let you know.

Actions #10

Updated by Peter Manev about 7 years ago

Interesting - in my tests with the PR ( ) it seemed good.
Can you have a look at my set up there and see if anything is different ? (I used the latest pfring from git as well)

Actions #11

Updated by Victor Julien about 7 years ago

Could you try disabling vlan handling as a test? '--set vlan.use-for-tracking=false' on the cmdline.

The packet numbers between afp and pfr seem more or less the same.

Actions #12

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago

Victor Julien wrote:

Could you try disabling vlan handling as a test? '--set vlan.use-for-tracking=false' on the cmdline.

That indeed makes it work, yes.

Actions #13

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago

Peter Manev wrote:

Interesting - in my tests with the PR ( ) it seemed good.
Can you have a look at my set up there and see if anything is different ?

Not really. What I did notice in my VM though is that with Victor's patches it does not work when I use tcpreplay on an extra virtual 'monitoring' interface, but when I let suri run on the main VM interface and do some HTTP requests, they will show up.

Unfortunately I can't reproduce this on a physical test sensor. Even with the latest patches I doesn't seem to work either on separate monitoring interfaces (which get traffic via tcpreplay as well but from a separate machine) or via manual traffic on the main interface.

Actions #14

Updated by Peter Manev about 7 years ago

In my set up it was live traffic.

Just so I understand correctly -
On a Vm on the main interface it works only when you do it on the "main" interface and manually test it out to confirm.
On a HW server - it does not (even with "--set vlan.use-for-tracking=false")

What is your tcpreplay command?

Actions #15

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago

Hi Peter,

thanks for your offer to help.

Just so I understand correctly -
On a Vm on the main interface it works only when you do it on the "main" interface and manually test it out to confirm.

On the VM, I tried the patched Suricata version with PF_RING 7.0.0 configured to use enp0s8 as the monitoring interface, and suricata configured to use this interface via PF_RING for capture. This resulted in no app-layer events when using tcpreplaying some pcaps with HTTP and DNS requests(see below for exact command) into that interface -- FYI these worked with PF_RING 6.6.0. Then I reconfigured PF_RING and suricata to use enp0s3 (NATted to the host machine) and manually did some HTTP requests via wget, which resulted in proper HTTP EVE events.

On a HW server - it does not (even with "--set vlan.use-for-tracking=false")

The hardware sensor also gets traffic via tcpreplay, but via a direct connection between the NICs of the sensor and a traffic generator machine, which also uses tcpreplay to send a loop of recorded traffic to the server. With this setup, the only thing that helped getting app-laver events i the output was setting "--set vlan.use-for-tracking=false". So this did indeed work. However, on this machine just doing manual requests on the management interface after reconfiguring the machine to capture from there didn't work out, I could not get any app-layer events.

Note that I made sure to also capture outgoing traffic (RX+TX) in PF_RING. You can play around with the setup in the VM for yourself if you want. (The version linked above does not have the patched git version of Suricata yet).

What is your tcpreplay command?

That would be:

sudo tcpreplay -x 5 -i enp0s8 smallFlows.pcap http.cap dns.cap

where the pcaps are from public sources (and also in the VM). I also tried -t for full line speed transmission.

I guess the best way to check 'for real' would be to try it on a low risk sensor that sees live traffic, but most likely, for us, that would have to wait until after the holidays.

Thanks again and please let me know if I can help in any other way!

Actions #16

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss about 7 years ago

I guess the best way to check 'for real' would be to try it on a low risk sensor that sees live traffic, but most likely, for us, that would have to wait until after the holidays.

I just tried that today with the latest PF_RING 7.0.0 from their apt repo, with and without the patched Suricata version, but no luck. The only thing that makes this setup work is the workaround using vlan.use-for-tracking=false.
Is there anything I can do to help narrow down the issue or to reproduce it?

Actions #17

Updated by Peter Manev almost 7 years ago

Sacha - just checking in - if that is still an issue? (also dont forget to double check(or test out) the vlan NIC offloading settings ...just in case)

Actions #18

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss almost 7 years ago

Hi Peter, thanks for checking in. It's not an urgent issue anymore, as we took this opportunity to switch our stack back to AF_PACKET. This means I'd have to further look at this in the VM I prepared. But we haven't found a solution to this problem yet.
As far as VLAN offloading is concerned, this is not something that is handled by Suricata at runtime? I was under the impression that newer Suri versions will disable offloading as far as possible on startup.
Anyway, I will take a look if that changes anything. Not even sure that makes any difference in the VM or whether this is even supported by the emulated NIC's driver.

Actions #19

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss almost 7 years ago

I just tried this after disabling VLAN offloading in the VM:

user@debian:~$ sudo ethtool -K enp0s8 rxvlan off
Actual changes:
rx-vlan-offload: off
tx-vlan-offload: off [fixed]
user@debian:~$ sudo ethtool -k enp0s8 | grep vlan
rx-vlan-offload: off
tx-vlan-offload: off [fixed]
rx-vlan-filter: on [fixed]
vlan-challenged: off [fixed]
tx-vlan-stag-hw-insert: off [fixed]
rx-vlan-stag-hw-parse: off [fixed]
rx-vlan-stag-filter: off [fixed]

but still no changes. Still flows time out as they did before.

Actions #20

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss almost 7 years ago

FYI, I also updated Suricata to the latest git master (19988310d1dfe941be7fd9231a64c98aba7391d2) and PF_RING to the latest version on ntop's apt archive (7.1.0 (dev:ce9f06dbcbf8c5d9bea52fb3525f948e33d8a5a7)). No change.

Actions #21

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss almost 7 years ago

finally, here are the configs for my test setup:

I compiled with

./configure --enable-af-packet --enable-nfqueue --enable-prelude --enable-nflog --enable-gccprotect --disable-gccmarch-native --disable-coccinelle --enable-geoip --enable-hiredis --enable-pfring --enable-libhs --enable-luajit
Actions #22

Updated by Victor Julien almost 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 4.1beta1 to 70
Actions #23

Updated by Peter Manev almost 7 years ago

Sorry for the late replay -
Is it possible to
1 - while doing those tests - tcpdump on the interface that Suricata is sniffing - from the same shell/vm you start it.
2 - share that pcap privately if you would like?


Actions #24

Updated by Konstantin Klinger almost 7 years ago

The same problem occurs with AF_PACKET on some sensors with version 4.0.4. If we disable vlan tracking (vlan.use-for-tracking=false) there are app-layer events, otherwise not. Do you think the Problem will be solved with version 4.1?

Actions #25

Updated by Konstantin Klinger almost 7 years ago

I tried it with the latest suricata-master git, and the problem is still there. I have to set vlan.use-for-tracking=false, if i want to have any app-layer events.

Updated by Sascha Steinbiss almost 7 years ago

Hi Peter,

coming back to the original issue. I've retried with the latest PF_RING (7.1.0 ($Revision: dev:e59670fbbdd20341e25ceec59b99c9c9d7d375af$)) and Suricata version (git master 325f336f637f).

Is it possible to
1 - while doing those tests - tcpdump on the interface that Suricata is sniffing - from the same shell/vm you start it.

Sure, did that, on the same VM and interface.

2 - share that pcap privately if you would like?

Sure, see attached eve.json with timed out flows and the corresponding pcap (sharing publicly as there's nothing private/confidential in there). Ignore the SSH stuff in there, that's me connecting to the VM. The example traffic I expected to see is a https request to

Actions #27

Updated by Peter Manev over 6 years ago

Is it possible to do a run (replay) with "vlan.use-for-tracking=false" and another (same run) but with "vlan.use-for-tracking=true" - and share the two full (respectively for each run ) stats/eve.json logs?

Actions #28

Updated by Victor Julien over 6 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Victor Julien to OISF Dev
Actions #29

Updated by Andreas Herz about 6 years ago

Did you try the suggestions by peter?

Actions #30

Updated by Andreas Herz over 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 70 to TBD
Actions #31

Updated by Andreas Herz about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Actions #32

Updated by Victor Julien about 5 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (OISF Dev)
  • Target version deleted (TBD)

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