Bug #2928
openalerts on icmp signatures in 4.0.x and 4.1.x
I`ve tested simple signature "alert icmp any any -> any any (msg:"MyAlert"; sid:1000000; rev:1;)"
on ping traffic (4 requests, 4 replies - in attached pcap)
In different versions i have different results:
4.0.0-beta1, 4.0.(1-7) = 8 alerts (four in each direction)
4.1.0-beta1 = 8 alerts
4.1.0-rc1, 4.1.(0-3) = 2 alerts (one in each direction)
So suricata start alert icmp as flow (only for one packet in each direction) between 4.1.0-beta1 and 4.1.0-rc1
probably this was caused by commit c662383b5
I think it is bug
Updated by Andreas Herz almost 6 years ago
- Assignee set to OISF Dev
- Target version set to TBD
I can confirm that this issue is present in 4.1.4 and 5.0.0-beta1 as well.
Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago
The lack of any specific matches combined with the new flow handling causes this to be inspected as a IP-Only rule: once per flow direction.