



Feature #3311


Add better default suricata configuration for different traffic sizes and cpu/system architectures

Added by Peter Manev over 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:


Related to improving Out of the Box Experience.

Often enough users struggle with coming up with a decent 1Gbps suricata.yaml config for example. It will be useful in terms of user experience to ship/install Suricata with some recommendations/examples for the following scenarios:
- 1 Gpbs
- 10 Gbps
- 2-3 (sniffing) port
- IPS set up for AFP

The above should be based on certain assumptions (mainly available CPU/RAM etc).

Actions #1

Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to OISF Dev
  • Target version set to TBD

I think this ticket contains 2 separate tasks: 1) create an easy system to produce these configs based on a single 'master' yaml. 2) define the various settings for the various profiles.

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Herz over 5 years ago

Would you then ship different suricata.yaml files or is it just a documentation thingy?

Actions #3

Updated by Victor Julien over 5 years ago

The idea is to ship multiple yamls for those different performance profiles.

Actions #4

Updated by Jason Ish over 5 years ago

A few thoughts here.

We should identify all the fields in the suricata.yaml that would need to be customized and put place_holder type values in them. Then using YAML, we could create a file with a list of named profiles to provide these values. A Python script (or even sed) could output a config with the place_holder values replaced. Idea for profiles could be AWS instance types, or suggested settings for certain requirements.

Would it make sense for a script to profile the system (memory size, etc) and auto-generate a profile?

Script could be part of suricatactl.

Actions #5

Updated by Peter Manev about 5 years ago

A script would make sense indeed - though the expectation would be that Suri only would be running on the system.
Long time ago I started this - as part of similar effort.

We could also set up couple of "hardcoded" configs that aim at covering 1Gbps setups - those should be pretty easy I think. A 10Gbps setup would be a bit more complex as it would depend actually also on NUMA/Intel/AMD architecture.


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