Bug #4200
openFlows not deleted in bpf ipv4_maps
OS: CentOS 8
Suricata version: 6.0.0
It is observed that the ipv4_maps is growing until max limits, currently testing with map size of 627680, and the ipv4_fail counter is growing.
Observed that in line 429 in flow-manager.c (FlowManagerHashRowClearEvictedList), flows added to the evicted list does not run FlowBypassedTimeout, and these flows are not removed from the map. Changed this function to:
420 static void FlowManagerHashRowClearEvictedList(FlowManagerTimeoutThread *td,
421 Flow *f, struct timeval *ts, FlowTimeoutCounters *counters)
422 {
423 do {
425 Flow *next_flow = f->next;
426 f->next = NULL;
427 f->fb = NULL;
429 //DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(f->use_cnt > 0 || !FlowBypassedTimeout(f, ts, counters));
430 if (f->use_cnt > 0 || !FlowBypassedTimeout(f, ts, counters)) {
432 f = f->next;
433 continue;
434 }
436 FlowQueuePrivateAppendFlow(&td->aside_queue, f);
437 /* flow is still locked in the queue */
439 f = next_flow;
440 } while (f != NULL);
441 }
and this seems to ensure that the map is not growing until the max. However, I am not that familiar with the code, so it might be reason not to it this way.
Another observation is that ipv4_maps_count does not reach zero when stopping the traffic towards Suricata, which I would expect and might in worst case bypass traffic that has never happened if it executed on the same IP/Ports.