Bug #4636
closedRules based on SSH banner-related keywords only match on acked data
Affected Versions:
I noticed that rules based on SSH banner-related keywords only matched if the data is acknowledged by both client and server.
SSH fields used in the rule are however always present in the eve.json files.
- some pcaps with minimal examples with a TCP three-way handshake, incomplete or complete SSH banner exchange and a final RST from the client.
- a file with some rules.
- Case 1 - SB: only server sends its banner - rules match - rules do not match.
- Case 2 - SBCA: server sends its banner and client acks it - rules match - rules do not match.
- Case 3 - SBCB: server sends its banner and client sends its banner - rules match - rules do not match.
- Case 4 - SBCBSA: server sends its banner, client sends its banner, and server server the client's banner - rules match - rules match.
Updated by Jeff Lucovsky over 3 years ago
- Copied from Bug #4563: Rules based on SSH banner-related keywords only match on acked data added
Updated by Shivani Bhardwaj over 3 years ago
- Label deleted (
Needs backport to 6.0)
Updated by Shivani Bhardwaj over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Review
Updated by Victor Julien over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Review to Closed