Bug #1693
Crash on Debian with libpcre 8.35
Added by Peter Manev about 9 years ago.
Updated about 9 years ago.
Details attached.
I can reproduce it consistently(3.0dev (rev 44a444b)) - but dont have the offending pcap yet.
Forgot to mention - I also have a complete core dump - and can share further info if needed.
Please add the steps to reproduce it.
In this specific case:
1 - Start suricata with unix socket (-D)
2 - Line up 16K pcaps for reading (through -> /path/to/suricatasc /path/to/socket/socket -c "pcap-file path/to/pcap path/to/log/dir")
- Assignee set to Eric Leblond
- Subject changed from segfault - unix-socket to segfault - unix-socket (pcre version related)
This crash is not related to either unix socket or Suricata.
We have managed to narrow it down to a reproducible case with a pcap and to pcre 8.35 version - with pcre version 8.38 the issue is not observed.
Idea from Victor is to add a libpcre check into the configure scripts (like we already have with libhtp).
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee changed from Eric Leblond to Andreas Herz
- Target version changed from 70 to 3.0.1RC1
- Subject changed from segfault - unix-socket (pcre version related) to Crash on Debian with libpcre 8.35
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