Feature #2659
openDefine the output rules file name.
This issue is to track the ability to define the output rules file name from user input, so that the output file name isn’t always suricata.rules.
Updated by Joel Samaroo almost 6 years ago
Created pull request #61 for the solution to be merged into master code:
sample output and expected behavior:
$ suricata-update --local ~/suricata_test/jsamaroo-custom.rules --disable-conf ~/suricata_test/disable o ~/suricata_test/ -r jsamaroo-custom.rules 03:46:44 - <Warning> -- No suricata application binary found on path.
7/11/2018 -
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Using default Suricata version of 4.0.0
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Loading /home/jsamaroo/suricata_test/disable.
* 7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Setting output rule filename to jsamaroo-custom.rules*
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Warning> -- Cache directory does not exist and could not be created. /var/tmp will be used instead.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- No sources configured, will use Emerging Threats Open
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Checking https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata-4.0.0/emerging.rules.tar.gz.md5.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Remote checksum has not changed. Not fetching.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Loading local file /home/jsamaroo/suricata_test/jsamaroo-custom.rules
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Warning> -- No distribution rule directory found.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:44 - <Info> -- Ignoring file rules/emerging-deleted.rules
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Loaded 47514 rules.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Disabled 1 rules.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Enabled 0 rules.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Modified 0 rules.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Dropped 0 rules.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Enabled 0 rules for flowbit dependencies.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:52 - <Info> -- Backing up current rules.
* 7/11/2018 -- 03:46:57 - <Info> -- Writing rules to /home/jsamaroo/suricata_test/jsamaroo-custom.rules: total: 23757; enabled: 18856; added: 0; removed 0; modified: 1*
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:58 - <Info> -- No suricata application binary found, skipping test.
7/11/2018 -- 03:46:58 - <Info> -- Done.
Updated by Joel Samaroo over 5 years ago
Removed ‘-r’ flag and added logic to check whether no-merge option was provided and if so would print an error and exit, since the —output-rule-filename would have no effect. A new PR was submitted in github to track this as #79.
Updated by Shivani Bhardwaj over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Target version set to TBD
- Effort deleted (
low) - Difficulty deleted (
Updated by Shivani Bhardwaj about 5 years ago
Updated by Jason Ish almost 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #4215: Documented "--merged" option doesn't exist added