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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
535 Suricata Feature New Normal new keywords - time , day Community Ticket 06/30/2019 07:51 PM Actions
511 Suricata Feature New Normal Port indepedent protocol identification (nDPI) Community Ticket 11/07/2023 06:33 PM Actions
500 Suricata Bug New Normal duplicate values in host-os-policy not detected Community Ticket 07/19/2023 07:56 PM Actions
473 Suricata Feature New Normal pcap log: alert log with packet indexes Community Ticket 07/21/2023 09:01 AM Actions
465 Suricata Feature Assigned Low benchmark runmode Victor Julien 05/20/2015 09:27 AM Actions
448 Suricata Feature New Low dlp: md5sum based on part of files Community Ticket 03/11/2019 02:05 PM Actions
432 Suricata Feature New Normal PCAP-NG support Community Ticket 02/13/2021 09:31 AM Actions
365 Suricata Feature New Normal expose interface(unix socket command) to reset tcp connection Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:08 PM Actions
328 Suricata Feature Assigned Normal Traceability and QA with regards to rules loaded Jeff Lucovsky 09/24/2019 10:23 AM Actions
276 Suricata Feature New Normal Libcap support for dropping privileges Community Ticket 03/11/2019 02:06 PM Actions
273 Suricata Feature New Normal IRC protocol detection support Community Ticket 12/24/2020 07:06 AM Actions
266 Suricata Feature New Normal log http raw request for network forensic Community Ticket 07/19/2023 07:59 PM Actions
249 Suricata Feature New Normal Configure host-os-policy from a file, like snorts host_attribute.xml Community Ticket 02/23/2019 10:07 PM Actions
121 Suricata Feature New Low Alert on domain name look up, capture traffic for corresponding IP Community Ticket 07/19/2023 02:10 PM Actions
(1401-1414/1414) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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